The Kuchi Breyer Model.

Cover Girl.

Breyer Article

Wendy & Bill.

Wendy with Dennis Thompson.

Kuchi is enjoying herself.

Aunt Linda with Dennis

We hope you see you at the OH Equine Affaire April 1st. Then on to the Breyer Fest in July.

Cookie Time.

More please.

“Thank you for all the cards!”

Look for your card.

The First Place Winner is
Audre Schutte. Thank You! :)

Audre Schutte’s First Place Card.
Do you see the H A P P Y?

Inside the 1st place card.
It even had Irish music.

“See you later.”

Audre Schutte’s prize for 1st Place.

Kuchi as a glossy model.

The Breyer magazine in 2001.

Like father, like daughter.

Kuchi & Heather at the Breyerfest.

Kuchi is looking great!

Getting ready.


Both are beautiful.

At her performance,

Everyone loved her.

Heather did a GREAT job!

The Lexington paper on Sunday!

Both are proud.

Off to another performance

The crowds line up to meet her.

Check out her halter.

More fans.

Heather has a moment.

This is so much fun.

She is a star.

Too cool.

Hundreds of people line up for autographs.

“I signed for 4 hours at my stall & then at the Breyer Booth.”

“I must get this perfect.”

Wendy working away.

Happy fans!

“This is so much fun!”

Photo taken by Jennifer Bui.

Life is Good!

Isn’t Heather cute?

A very proud member.

Our ad.

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